Thursday, May 13, 2010

Foreshadowing Picture


This picture was taken of me in March of 1987. I was only three years old at the time. This picture foreshadows my future. It indicates that I be a Twi-hard, since I have already bitten into an apple, have trouble keeping my eyes open in pictures, and that I will wear high-waters!

I need to correct my mistake from Mother's Day. I wrote, "They [Kent and Elle (Krissy)] gave me lotion from Bath and Body Works. It's scent is warm vanilla sugar and almost makes me want to lick myself because it smells so good!" After reading this, Krissy informed me that the "lotion" was in fact hand soap. After two days of wearing the "lotion" and after Krissy's gentle reminder, I washed my arms. Luckily, I did not lick myself!

1 comment:

Anna said...

What a funny post!! LOVE the picture of you, so cute. The lotion story cracked me up:)