Friday, July 9, 2010


Since I was in bed with a stiff neck, I took the opportunity to re-watch Twilight on Wednesday and New Moon on Thursday in preparation for watching Eclipse on Friday. Ten Twi-hards joined us for lunch at Rosa's on Friday, July 9th. The Kent girls had our usual meals, but had a new atmosphere. Tami told me that Kristen Stewart plays a character in a The Cake Eaters who has Friedreich's Ataxia. Apparently, it was on HBO. I thought shkellyneddiee did not know what she was talking about, but she was correct. I'll have to see it! Angela, Yvette, and some others joined us for 1:30 showing at the Maya theater. The theater was packed! We sat at the bottom with everyone else. Boo-hoo. This movie was probably the best out of the Twilight movies, however I still think the first one was the best as far as transitions go. My favorite part was the tent scene. Of course, the books are always better!

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